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超解气!心机女陷害十一娘失败,被恶霸世子当众毁清白,全场惊呆无人敢阻止!💕【锦心似玉 the sword and the brocade】
心机女失宠被丫鬟说闲话,太夫人杀鸡儆猴,偏心对待为她撑腰,有后台就是不一样!💕【锦心似玉 the sword and the brocade】
心机女仗势欺人,十一娘主母威严震慑全场,怼的小妾哑口无言,太解气!💕【锦心似玉 the sword and the brocade】
EP03 羅二娘不顧姐妹之情陷害十一娘 「錦心似玉」| WeTV
EP02 元娘設計喬蓮房,十一娘赴徐府春日宴「錦心似玉」| WeTV
ENG SUB【锦心似玉 The Sword and The Brocade】EP05 Shiyiniang escape from marriage was unsuccessful.
💝十一娘怀着身孕赈灾遇险,侯爷及时赶到相救,心疼她心疼到了骨子里。| 锦心似玉 The Sword and The Brocade #谭松韵 #钟汉良
心机女要被嫁给恶霸世子,竟假扮成十一娘去勾引他,为嫁给侯爷不择手段!💕【锦心似玉 the sword and the brocade】
十一娘被当众问斩,太夫人带全家阻拦行刑,侯爷危急时刻救下娇妻!💕【锦心似玉 the sword and the brocade】
To marry the lord,Erniang pretends to be Shiyi and seduces the scum man
The evil woman wanted to embarrass Shiyi, but was defeated by Shiyi's wisdom
The Sword and the Brocade #tansongyun #wallacechung #funnyclip #cdrama